As the number of community service orientated events that RAYNET attends increases, so do the number of circumstances where RAYNET members may be brought into contact with children (young people under 18 years of age) or vulnerable adults, either taking part or helping with the event.
To provide protection to both RAYNET members and those we work with, the Committee of Management have issued these guidelines, which should be followed by all Groups when engaged on RAYNET business.
Code of Conduct for Members
The following guidance is provided to all Members whilst on RAYNET duties.
- The four main areas of abuse are physical, sexual, emotional and neglect. Whilst neglect is a more long-term form of abuse, the others can occur at any time.
- Do not deliberately put yourself in a position of being alone with a young person or vulnerable adult. If circumstances place you in this position inform Control using the agreed code.
- Do not touch, cuddle or have any other physical contact with a young person or vulnerable adult unless it is to prevent them from further harm.
- If escorting a young person or vulnerable adult to a place of safety, do so via a public route where you are clearly visible at all times.
- Inform Control when responsibility has been handed to another responsible adult.
- If transporting a young person to a place of safety ensure they sit in the rear of the car wearing seat belts. Try and have another adult in the front passenger seat.
- Do not use abusive or unsuitable language in front of a young persons or vulnerable adults. Do not make comments that may be misinterpreted.
- If you suspect a young person or vulnerable adult is being abused record the facts as you know them. Pass a copy to your Group Controller or event Operational Controller as soon as possible.
- Do not promise to ‘keep a secret’ if a young person or vulnerable adult wishes to tell you something. Tell them straight away that you are duty bound to pass the information on. If they still wish to talk to you about apparent child abuse allow them to continue without interrupting or making any comments. Make no judgements. Try and record the persons, name and address and pass such details on to the Group Controller or event Operational Controller as soon as possible. Remember if a young person or vulnerable adult wishes to speak to you about abuse it is because they see you as a ‘safe’ person therefore take what they say seriously and reassure them that they have taken the right action.
Code of Behaviour
- Do treat all young persons and vulnerable adults with respect.
- Do avoid putting yourself in a one to one situation with a young person or vulnerable adult.
- Do inform Control if on an event you find you are responsible for a young person or vulnerable adult.
- Do not touch a young person or vulnerable adult unless it is to save them from immediate harm.
- Do not use abusive or inappropriate language or words that can be misinterpreted in front of young persons or vulnerable adults.
- Do not escort young persons or vulnerable adults to a place of safety unless authorised by Control.