Talk-through operation is a concession only available to RAYNET groups through their controllers and must only be carried out under a valid permit. It may be operated on 2m or 70cm bands, either in-band or cross-band. Other bands may be available for experimentation to experienced groups. RAYNET use of Talkthrough was originally authorised by the Home Office and Ofcom approves its continued operation.
A Group may use any number of talkthrough units under a single permit, allowing operational flexibility to be maintained at all times.
Four types of permit are available.
1. Engineering test
This is normally valid for one calendar month and allows testing of equipment, but not use during a User Service event or exercise.
2. Single event
This is for operation with a User Service on a singe event only. A new permit is required for each operation. Each permit also allows signal tests for the named event in a period not exceeding 28 days prior to the event.
3. Period
This permit is only issued to groups who have proven experience with the operation of Talkthrough and is generally valid for six months. To qualify for a Period permit, a group must have held at least two each of Test and Event permits and have submitted the required reports.
4. Special
This takes the form of an extension to an existing period permit and allows experimentation with other bands.